Artwork by Zac Denning
An Excerpt from the Executive Summary:
This Riparian Bird
Conservation Plan is a collaborative effort of the Riparian
Habitat Joint Venture (RHJV) and has been developed to guide
conservation policy and action on behalf of riparian habitats and
California's landbirds. This Conservation Plan focuses on data concerning
bird species associated with riparian habitat, but conservation
recommendations, if implemented, should benefit many riparian associated
species. It applies broadly to many of the conservation efforts
now underway in the state, including, but not limited to: the California
Bay-Delta Program (CALFED); all habitat-based Joint Ventures (i.e.,
Central Valley, Intermountain West, Pacific Coast, San Francisco
Bay, and Sonoran); the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins Comprehensive
Study of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps); and US Fish and
Wildlife Service refuges and 'Partners for Wildlife' program.
Updates to Version 2.0: This
document represents the second iteration of the Riparian Bird Conservation
Plan. A review of the original focal species list revealed the need
to add three new species to better capture the diversity of habitat
niches found in California riparian systems and to account for species
which are experiencing range reductions in the state. Following
the same criteria established in the selection of the original 14
focal species, Spotted Sandpiper, Tree Swallow, and Tricolored Blackbird
were added. Also new to this version is a process description for
setting population objectives for select focal species using current
monitoring data and GIS data layers. In this version, examples from
Central Valley Basins are used to estimate current and potential
population size.
In Chapter 7, we refined the definition of a Portfolio Site, and
invited experts from each bioregion to supplement the existing list
with new sites. In Chapter 8, we incorporated the most current riparian
songbird data from several California bioregions into the Conservation
Recommendations section and included the latest topical references
from the scientific literature. Tables reflecting bird and habitat
associations, estimates of nest success, and riparian songbird nesting
seasons by bioregions have been added to better assist land managers
with data pertaining to their specific area. In Chapter 9, we provided
updates on the North American all-bird initiatives and the recent
activities of the RHJV. In Chapter 10, we identified more opportunities
for private citizens to be involved in bird conservation and to
help enhance bird populations. Finally, we added a new chapter (Chapter
3) with information pertaining to landscape-scale factors that affect
riparian birds.
Recommended Citation
RHJV (Riparian Habitat Joint Venture). 2004. The riparian bird conservation
plan: a strategy for reversing the decline of riparian associated
birds in California. California Partners in Flight.
Feedback on Plan Use:
We are looking for as much input from resource managers, biologists,
and the public as possible, so please send us your feedback.
Read the Riparian
Bird Conservation Plan Version 2.0.
"Enhancing Riparian Habitat" handout. Click here.
Query/view GIS database of CalPIF riparian study sites
Read more on the Riparian Habitat
Joint Venture
Focal Species Accounts and Range and Breeding
Status Maps:
Focal Species Accounts:
Focal Species Range and Breeding Status Maps: