The CalPIF "Bringing the Birds Back" habitat enhancement guides provide landowners and managers with practical steps they can take to improve bird habitat and overall ecosystem health on their lands. To receive a hardcopy of an enhancement guide, email Ryan DiGaudio or Melissa Pitkin.
There are currently two habitat enhancment guides available:
"A Guide to Habitat Enhancement for Birds in the Sacramento Valley" focuses on riparian (streamside) habitat throughout the Sacramento Valley. For an electronic copy, click here.
"A Guide to Habitat Enhancement for Birds of the North Bay Region" focuses on oak woodland and riparian (streamside) habitat of the San Francisco Bay's north bay region, which includes the counties of Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, and Sonoma. For an electronic copy, click here.
Each guide begins with an introduction on the habitat type (or types) covered within that particular guide, and also provides some background information on bird conservation.
It goes on to provide specific recommendations to benefit birds
in these habitats, such as a list of suggested native plant species to plant, along with exotic species that should be removed. The guides also provide a list of bird species to look for that will help indicate a successful habitat enhancement project. Finally, the guides includes information about agencies and organizations
that can help with technical and financial assistance in habitat
Feedback on Plan Use:
We are looking for as much input from resource managers, biologists,
and the public as possible, so please send us your feedback.

How to Enhance
your Property for Birds
Artwork by Zac Denning
Healthy native habitats provide the best protection for breeding
birds. Destruction and degradation of these habitats has been shown
to be the main cause of bird population decline. To learn how to
maintain native habitat on your property, and create new habitat
to support breeding birds, please read the handouts.
Click the Icons to Learn How to:
Enhance your Riparian Habitat
Enhance your Oak Woodland
Enhance your Coastal Scrub and Chaparral