Sagebrush Bird Conservation Plan
Artwork by Sophie Webb

Lead Author:
Aaron Holmes, PRBO Conservation Science,

Supporting Authors:
Sacha Heath, PRBO Conservation Science
Melissa Pitkin, PRBO Conservation Science
Frank Hall, California Department of Fish and Game

An Excerpt from the Executive Summary:
The Sagebrush Bird Conservation Plan has been prepared to stimulate and support an active approach to conservation of landbird populations that depend on sagebrush habitats in eastern California. It represents a synthesis of published and unpublished information on birds in the region, the ecology of sagebrush systems, and conservation planning. Recommendations included in this document are intended to guide planning efforts and actions of land managers, expenditures of government and non-government organizations, and stimulate monitoring and research to support the conservation of landbirds.

Recommended Citation
CalPIF (California Partners in Flight). 2005. Version 1.0. The sagebrush bird conservation plan: a strategy for protecting and managing sagebrush habitats and associated birds in California. PRBO Conservation Science, Stinson Beach, CA.

Feedback on Plan Use:
We are looking for as much input from resource managers, biologists, and the public as possible, so please send us your feedback.

Read the Sagebrush Bird Conservation Plan Version 1.0

Focal Species Accounts

  • Brewer's Sparrow
  • Gray Flycatcher
  • Greater Sage-Grouse
  • Green-tailed Towhee
  • Juniper Titmouse
  • Lark Sparrow
  • Loggerhead Shrike
  • Sage Sparrow
  • Sage Thrasher
  • Vesper Sparrow
  • Western Meadowlark