Background on Conservation Plan Data

General comments can be sent to either of the California Partners in Flight Co-chairs: Geoff Geupel or Deborah Schlafmann, or California Partners in Flight Coordinator Kim Kreitinger. Comments relating to technical aspects of mapping or website should be directed to Grant Ballard. For comments on specific plans or to contribute data relating to specific plans, please refer to to those areas of this website.

  1. Information used for each species to develop conservation plans:
    • Maps or information on historical distribution and abundance (if any).
    • Maps of current distribution and information on current breeding status, density and health throughout California, wherever information is available. Maps should show distribution by the bioregions established by the California Biodiversity Council. These bioregions correspond to the Riparian Habitat Joint Venture's Regional Working Committees.

  2. Breeding status will be ranked on the following scale:
    • 0 = No evidence of breeding: Species not detected during breeding season, or captured only on migration (with high fat scores).
    • 1 = Confirmed breeding: distraction display; nest building (except woodpeckers and wrens); nesting material or fecal sack being carried by adult; captured female with eggs in oviduct; dependent juveniles with adults; juvenile with no skull ossification before 1 August; active territory observed on at least three days of spot mapping (at least a week apart), active nest observed.
    • 2 = Possible breeding: Species encountered singing or acting territorial only once during the breeding season (in suitable habitat).
    • 3 = Probable breeding: Singing individual encountered on 2 or more different days of standardized censues (at least one week apart); territorial behavior noted more than once at the same location; pair observed in courtship behavior; female with brood patch (males with cloacal protuberances not used as evidence of breeding locally).

  3. Information regarding breeding status should be based on one or more of the following (specify): Expert opinion , Point count, Mist netting, Nest searching, Spot mapping, Area search, Breeding Bird Atlas, BBS route, or Other/Local opinion.
  4. Optimal habitat characteristics and preferences of healthy breeding populations.
  5. Average territory size and minimum patch size required for a breeding population.
  6. Best management practices.
  7. Factors influencing a species occurrence and viability.
  8. Scientific references.

Disclaimer: these maps are not comprehensive and are not intended for use as definitive range maps. In particular, study areas do not necessarily match a given species' range, so red dots do not necessarily mean that a species should breed at a given location. Further, several data sources exist which are not represented here. We encourage users interested in species distributions to consult a wide range of references, including (but not limited to) the Birds of North America series, county breeding bird atlases, and the California Natural Diversity Database.