California Partners in Flight


California Partners in Flight wishes to acknowledge the following agencies and organizations that have contributed to CalPIF efforts throughout the years.

Bureau of Land Management

California Department of Fish and Game

Califonia Oak Foundation

Chevron Corporation

The Dean Witter Foundation

Department of Defense/US Navy

Environmental Systems Research Incorporated

Golden Gate National Recreation Area

Hastings Natural History Reservation (University of California Natural Reserve)

The Hewlett Foundation

The Institute for Bird Populations

Integrated Hardwood Management Program

Kern River Research Center

Klamath Bird Observatory

Marin Municipal Water District

The National Audubon Society/Audubon California

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

The National Park Service

Natural Resources Conservation Service

The Nature Conservancy

Peter Knapp Photography

PRBO Conservation Science

San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory>

Sea and Sage Audubon

Sierra Nevada Field Campus of San Francisco State University

Shell Oil Company Foundation

USDA Forest Service

University of California Cooperative Extension

United States Bureau of Reclamation

United States Fish and Wildlife Service

United States Geological Survey

Ventana Wilderness Society/Big Sur Ornithology Lab

Wildlife Conservation Society

The California Partners in Flight Progam has been made possible in large part by funding from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation and the DMARLOU Foundation.