California Partners in Flight

Flight Log Online 

  • Flight Log 15: Summer 2005. Articles adapted from presentations in the Applied Monitoring and Research session of the Bird Conservation in Conifer Forests workshop.
  • Flight Log 14: Fall 2004. Focus on the conservation and management of coastal scrub and chaparral birds and habitat.
  • Flight Log 13: Winter 2004. Articles on the new Desert and Sagebrush Bird Conservation Plans; an article on the legacy of CalPIF; updates on the Asilomar and Riparian Habitat Conference Proceedings, and much more...
  • Flight Log 12: Winter/Spring 2002-2003. Spotlight on CalPIF Education and Outreach Projects. Find out about exciting new developments within CalPIF, including a newly formed Executive Steering Committee, Working Committees and developments in technology and information sharing. Also, see CalPIF's new logo and sign up for the listserve (get Adobe Reader here). 
  • Flight Log 11: Summer 2002. Conservation Plan updates; The Third International Partners in Flight Conference hosted by CalPIF and PRBO; the current era of bird conservation in the eastern Sierra Nevada and throughout the Sierra Nevada; lots of news, announcements and more...
  • Flight Log 10: Winter 2000-2001. California Partners in Flight Bird Conservation Plans Completed. Highlights from the last CalPIF meeting. Current news and announcements.
  • Flight Log 9:  Winter 1999-2000.  An introduction to the Conservation and Reinvestment Act and updates on projects throughout the state. 
  • Flight Log 8: Spring/Summer 1999: A discussion of "rewilding" the Central Valley; an introduction to the USFWS "Partners for Wildlife" program; Humbdolt Bay Complex is accepted into the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Network; Central Valley Trumpeter Swan surveys
  • Flight Log  7: Summer 1998:  CalFed proposal; the effects of grazing in the Central Valley; conservation at Vandenberg Air Force Base; and news from the RHJV
  • Flight Log 6: Winter 1997
  • Flight Log 5: Summer 1997
  • Flight Log 4: Winter 1996