Function to call python script for calculating focal statistics on landscape rasters via arcpy.
- pathin, SDM, landscape_name
Character strings defining the filepath (
) containing input rasters to be processed, such as those created from runningpython_focal_prep()
- regex
Optional regular expression to process only a subset of the rasters in
- scale
String representing the buffer size (in m) within which focal stats are calculated
- fun
Function to summarize focal statistics:
- pathout
Filepath for the directory where output rasters should be written
This function calls the
function to summarize cell
values for the input raster within a buffer distance defined by scale
Summary functions may include 'SUM'
or 'MEAN'
. The default of fun = SUM'
is intended to be called only after first running
, which prepares rasters representing the
presence/absence of individual land cover classes, as defined by each set
of species distribution models, and allows 'SUM' to effectively count the
number of pixels of each land cover class within a given distance. This
function can also be used with fun = 'MEAN'
to estimate the mean
probability of open water for a given land cover class within a given
distance (i.e. _pfld predictors for waterbird models). See vignette.
Important: This function requires the availability of arcpy and Spatial Analyst extensions. While these statistics can be entirely calculated in R, arcpy is much faster. See vignette for more details.