08:00 (30min) — Welcome, Introductions, and Logistics

Welcome the the DoD / AKN workshop on using the AKN technologies for managing and utilizing avian data in the AKN.

  • Welcome and introductions
  • Review the workshop agenda
  • Logistics: wi-fi, restrooms, workshop materials, keeping on time
  • What to do if you encounter technical problems

08:30 (60min) — AKN Project Data 101

We will cover how the AKN represents observational data and how to find the best way to organize and curate your data in a project database.

  • AKN Technology Overview - how do all the names you've heard fit together?
  • What is a Project Database?
  • What choices and decisions do you need to make?
  • Data sharing, security, and ownership wrt Project Database

09:30 (60min) — Creating Project Metadata

We will cover how to create metadata in our Project Database.

10:30 (15min) — Break

10:45 (45min) — Entering observation data to a Project

We will cover how to enter observation data into the Project Database that is defined by the metadata we created.

11:30 (30min) — Bulk loading data to a Project

We will cover how to bulk load data into the Project Database.

Noon (60min) — Lunch

1:00 (60min) — AKN Warehouse Data 101

We will cover how data flows and is made available to other tools and users across the AKN.

  • What is a Data Warehouse?
  • Data sharing levels and the AKN tools that use them.
  • Data sharing, security, and ownership for data in the Warehouse, and data sharing agreements.
  • Setting data sharing levels (DEMONSTRATION of Biologist Data Sharing Levels)

2:00 (60min) — Discovering observation data

We will cover how to discover other projects using the AKN.

3:00 (15min) — Break

3:15 (45min) — Looking for trends

We will explore solving some of the specific problems that are faced by DoD facilities.

4:00 (45min) — How have others organizations fully leveraged the AKN?

We will cover how other organizations have taken full advantage of the AKN technical infrastructure.

  • Klamath Bird Observatory description of how they manage observation data across many projects and how they pull them together to answer large scale conservation questions.

4:45 (15min) — Wrap-up

We will evaluate the day and see who's interested in Office Hours on Wednesday.