All times Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)

Monday, March 25
All times Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)

0800 (45 min) — Welcome, Introductions, and the Avian Data Lifecycle

Welcome to the DoD / AKN workshop on using the AKN technologies for managing and utilizing avian data in the AKN.

  • Welcome and introductions
  • Review the workshop agenda
  • Logistics and facilities
  • What to do if you encounter technical problems
  • The Avian Data Lifecycle

0845 (20 min) — AKN Project Data 101

We will cover how the AKN represents observational data and how to find the best way to organize and curate your data in a project database.

  • How the AKN organizes data
  • What is a Program?
  • What is a Project Database?

0905 (65 min) — Managing Project Metadata - Protocols and Sampling Units

We will cover how to create and manage metadata in our Project Database.

  • Protocols and Sampling Units
  • Choosing and managing protocols (DEMONSTRATION of Biologist for Protocol Research and Manage Protocols for Project)
  • EXERCISE 1: Creating the Point Count sampling unit hierarchy (Word or PDF)
  • BREAK - when you are finished with Exercise 1, you are welcome to take a break until class resumes at 10:15.

1015 (15 min) — Managing Project Metadata - Researchers

We will continue learning how to create and manage metadata in our Project Database.

  • Download the sampling units into a GIS file (DEMONSTRATION of Biologist for Download Locations to GPS, GIS and more)
  • Researchers
  • Demonstration - Adding researchers (DEMONSTRATION of Biologist for Assign Researchers to Project)

1030 (25 min) — Entering Observation Data

We will cover how to enter observation data into the Project Database that is defined by the metadata we created.

  • EXERCISE 2: Enter and proof a point count field survey (Word or PDF)
  • Downloading your point count data (DEMONSTRATION of Biologist for Download Observations)

1055 (45 min) — Bulk loading data to a Project

We will cover how to bulk load data into the Project Database.

  • Templates for uploading, and batch processing
  • EXERCISE 3: Bulk loading sampling locations (Word or PDF)

1140 (20 min) — Managing Project Data - Data Sharing Levels

We will give an overview of what data sharing levels we have and how the project leader controls them.

  • What data sharing levels are available?
  • Motivations for sharing data
  • Setting data sharing levels (DEMONSTRATION of Biologist for DataSharingLevels)

1200 (60 min) — Lunch Break

1300 (40 min) — AKN Warehouse Data 101

We will cover how data flows and is made available to other tools and users across DoD and the AKN.

  • What is a Data Warehouse?
  • Data sharing levels and the AKN tools that use them.
  • Data ownership guidelines/policies and agreements.

1340 (60 min) — Discovering observation data

We will cover how to discover other projects using the AKN.

  • Demonstration of RAIL Tool
  • EXERCISE 4: Create a species list with RAIL Tool (Word or PDF)
  • Downloading data from a Warehouse using Data Download (DEMONSTRATION of Data Downloader)

1440 (15 min) — Break

1455 (35 min) — Looking for trends

We will explore solving some of the specific problems that are faced by DoD facilities.

  • Looking at data in Analyst (DEMONSTRATION of Analysts for data review)
  • EXERCISE 5: Using the Data Catalog and Observations Map (Word or PDF)

1530 (60 min) — What should you expect in the coming year with AKN and DoD?

We will cover plans and updates for DoD and the AKN.

  • DoD AKN Program Overview
  • OSD and Military Services Support
  • Military Service Progress
  • DoD Tools
  • DoD Mission-Sensitive Species
  • DoD Data Needs
  • Contracting Language
  • DoD AKN User Guide
  • New AKN Tools
  • FY24 Priority Tasks
  • DoD Mission Benefits
  • What do you want to see?

1630 (10 min) — Next Steps for You

We will show how you will add new users as a Project Leader.

  • Creating a new log-in for a biologist or project leader (DEMONSTRATION of steps to register and approve a new user)
  • Assigning roles to project personnel (DEMONSTRATION in ProjectLeaders)
  • Creating a new researcher (DEMONSTRATION in ProjectLeaders)

1640 (20 min) — Wrap-up, Pluses and Deltas

We will evaluate the day and make sure everyone is clear on Office Hours Wednesday.

  • Pluses and Deltas
  • Reminder of office hours
  • Final questions