Account prepared by: Linda Moore, Humboldt State University
Shortcut to Action Plan Summary
Species: Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis)
Subspecies Status:
Management status: P. s. beldingi is endangered in California.
Range Maps: (BBS summer range map)
(Sauer, et al. 1999)
I. Historical References: Historical documentation of the Savannah Sparrow
in California is sometimes patchy and anecdotal. In 1923, Dawson described
11 total subspecies, of which 9 reportedly included California in their
range. Grinnell and Miller (1944) accredited 8 subspecies to California.
Breeding range in California (from Grinnell and Miller 1944):
P.s. nevadensis: elevated Great Basin - Oregon border to Owens
Lake, Inyo County; also an isolated population in upper Kern Basin, Kern
Winter ranges for the 8 subspecies described by Grinnell and Miller
(1944) collectively include the entire state below about 4000 feet, including
the Great Valley, southeast desert, western Sierra Nevada lowlands, and
coastal marshes north to Humboldt Bay.
II. Current Breeding Distribution:
P.s. alaudinus (formerly bryanti), P.s. beldingi,
brooksi, and P.s. nevadensis same as above.
BBS data of abundance indices from 1966 to 1996 by region:
P.s. alaudinus and
beldingi are nonmigratory California residents;
P.s. brooksi and P.s.
nevadensis breed in California (and elsewhere) and migrate within
P.s. rostratus and
P.s. sandwichensis breed outside California and migrate to California;
P.s. anulus, P.s.
anthinus, P.s. atratus, P.s. guttatus, P.s. labradorius, P.s. magdalenae,
P.s. oblitus, P.s. princeps,
P.s. rufofuscus, P.s.
sanctorum, and P.s. savanna are other AOU recognized subspecies
P.s. brooksi: Coastal – Oregon border to Trinidad, Humboldt
P.s. bryanti (now P.s. alaudinus): Coastal – Humboldt
Bay to Morro Bay, San Luis Obispo County
P.s. beldingi: Coastal – Santa Barbara through San Diego County
Region |
Pitt-Klamath Plateau |
S. Pacific Rainforests |
Columbia Plateau |
Basin and Range |
S. California Grasslands |
Sierra Nevada |
Central Valley |
Los Angeles Ranges |
California Foothills |
Savannah Sparrow populations tend to be classified as either salt marsh
(coastal) or "typical" (upland); life histories and requirements of those
populations vary accordingly.
I. Average Territory Size: 0.05 – 1.25 ha reported (Wheelwright and
Rising 1993). Adult males and females tend to return to the same territory
in successive years, with males returning 1 to 3 weeks earlier than females
(Wheelwright and Rising 1993).
II. Time of Occurrence and Seasonal Movements
III. Migration Stop-over Needs / Characteristics:
V. Foraging Strategy: Forages on the ground and around the bases of
plants, also may take short leaping flights for flying insects (Wheelwright
and Rising 1993). Sometimes employs "double scratch" method to dig beneath
litter (Wheelwright and Rising 1993).
VI. Displays: Courtship displays limited to singing and flutter flights
(Wheelwright and Rising 1993). Both sexes perform distraction displays
(erect crest, quivering wing) to defend a nest from predators (Wheelwright
and Rising 1993).
VII. Social Organization
IX. Incubating Sex: Female (Wheelwright and Rising 1993).
X. Incubating Period: Ranges from 10 to about 13 days (Wheelwright and
Rising 1993), with an average of 13.2 in southern California for P.s.
beldingi (Davis et al. 1984).
XI. Nestling Period: Overall range is 7 to 11 days (Wheelwright and
Rising 1993), range for P.s. beldingi is 7 to 9 days (Williams and
Nagy 1985).
XII. Development at Hatching: Altricial
XIII. Number of Broods: Typically 1 to 2 - number of broods is restricted
by weather at high latitudes (Wheelwright and Rising 1993) - though 4 clutches
have been reported for P.s. princeps on Sable Island, Nova Scotia
(Stobo and McLaren 1975). Coastal populations tend to have more clutches
per season than inland subspecies (Wheelwright and Rising 1993).
XIV. Who Tends the Young: 85% of brooding is by females. Both parents
bring food and defend nest, but paternal care is lower in polygynous populations
(Wheelwright et al. 1992, Wheelwright and Rising 1993).
XV. Diet
XVI. Wintering Ground Needs and Distribution: See Extent of Wintering
in CA. Habitat types include cultivated fields, pastures, roadsides, golf
courses, and salt marshes (Wheelwright and Rising 1993). Salt marsh dwelling
birds are frequently found in open, sparsely vegetated habitats (Wheelwright
and Rising 1993).
I. Overview of Breeding Habitat: Salt marsh dwelling Savannah
Sparrows breed in areas where Pickleweed, Allenrolfea, Suaeda, Atriplex,
and saltgrass are dominant (Wheelwright and Rising 1993). High-success
territories for P.s. beldingi are associated with tall, dense vegetation
within large marsh fragments (Powell and Collier 1998). Upland Savannah
Sparrows breed in open country such as grassy meadows, cultivated fields,
pastures, roadsides, sedge bogs, and coastal grasslands, favoring areas
of dense ground (especially grass) vegetation and moist substrates and
avoiding areas of extensive tree cover (Wheelwright and Rising 1993).
II. Nest Site
III. Vegetation Surrounding the Nest:
IV. Landscape Factors
V. Other
Special Factors (factors influencing a species occurrence and viability)
POPULATION TREND: BBS trend data from 1966 to 1998 shows an overall
non-significant increase for California (1.8, P=0.31). A non-significant
increase occurs in the South Pacific Rainforest region (2.1, P=0.22), and
non-significant declines occur in the Pitt-Klamath Plateau (-2.1, P=0.36),
Columbia Plateau (-0.5, P=0.78), Basin and Range (-3.3, P=0.58), and Southern
California Grasslands (-2.5, P=0.89). A significant decline occurs in the
California Foothills (-19.5, P=0.05).
I. Age and Sex Ratio: In a study including several populations in the U.S., 55% of the wintering birds collected were male, with no geographic pattern in the sex ratio (Rising 1988). This trend is supported by accounts that 20-40% of territorial males may stay unmated, with a bias toward yearlings (Bedard and LaPointe 1984).
II. Productivity Measure: Modal lifetime production of fledglings is from 5 to 13, though most birds have few or no offspring that survive to breed (Stobo and McLaren 1975). Reproductive success tends to be higher on islands where there are no mammalian predators (Wheelwright and Rising 1993).
III. Survivorship: Annual adult mortality ranges from 31-73% throughout range, until age 5 or 6 when it reaches 90% (Wheelwright and Rising 1993).
IV. Dispersal: Wheelwright and Rising (1993) report that within a highly
philopatric island population 7-14% of banded nestlings returned to the
natal breeding site, and 17-25% of those nestlings that fledged returned.
However, inland populations are not as site faithful as island ones; in
two inland populations 0% and 0.01% of banded nestlings were resighted
(Wheelwright and Rising 1993).
MANAGEMENT ISSUES: Although six subspecies of Savannah Sparrows are
present in many varied regions of California, P.s. beldingi, the
endangered Belding’s Savannah Sparrow, seems to be the only studied population.
Since this salt marsh population has different life history requirements
than upland Savannahs, research on these birds doesn’t help us understand
the needs of birds throughout the state. P.s. beldingi requires
more attention in order to better understand how to increase its abundance
- can this be done with existing wetland areas?
The status of P.s. rostratus in California isn’t very clear,
since it has been stated that "many" of these birds migrate to southern
California marshes (Zink et al. 1991) but also that the migrating portion
of that population is "reduced or extinct" (Wheelwright and Rising 1993).
Research about land use issues that likely affect upland Savannah Sparrows
in California come from studies conducted in the Midwest and south-central
to eastern Canada. In southern Saskatchewan, Savannah Sparrows nest in
idle (unmowed) hay fields, but productivity drops by 80% after mowing (Dale
et al. 1997). Since Savannahs are far less abundant in annually mowed hay
fields, the authors suggest a regime of mowing most fields in alternate
years (preferable after July 15) and leaving the rest idle for at least
3 years. Mowing is also an issue around east-central Illinois airports,
where mowing of the surrounding grasslands is believed to cause most nest
failures and to make airport grasslands into population sinks (Kershner
1996). Though mowing is a popular method of grassland management, Savannah
Sparrows seem very sensitive to the timing at which it is done.
Agricultural fields in North Dakota and Iowa that were converted to
perennial cover as part of the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) supported
higher densities of Savannah Sparrows than regular row-crop fields (Johnson
and Igl 1995, Patterson and Best 1996). Though Savannahs do use crop fields,
the dense cover provided by CRP fields may be more attractive to nesting
birds and yield higher productivity. Similar land management in California
may increase Savannah Sparrow abundance, though more research is needed.
The effects of introduced crested wheat grass for cattle grazing in
southwest Saskatchewan include increased bare ground, less litter, and
lower plant richness and diversity (Sutter and Brigham 1998). Savannahs
are more abundant in areas of dense vegetation with abundant shelter, so
grazed fields and other areas that utilize such nonnative plants may effectively
reduce Savannah Sparrow populations, or crowd them into small remaining
patches of native habitat.
ASSOCIATED SPECIES: Grasshopper Sparrow, Western Meadowlark, Red-winged
Blackbird, Brown-headed Cowbird, Ring-necked Pheasant, Common Yellowthroat.
Research is needed for all 6 populations in California to determine
their status: What are the nesting requirements (e.g. what plant species
are used in different regions)? What aspects of the habitat are associated
with breeding success? Is habitat loss an issue for any population besides
What is required to increase numbers of P.s. beldingi – if available
habitat is the limiting factor, can a model suggest the amount of habitat
necessary to increase population size so as to upgrade their status or
delist them? Are the northern coastal populations (brooksi, alaudinus)
similar to beldingi in habitat needs such as mid-intertidal nesting
areas and patch size? Is there a minimum patch size required for any upland
Savannah population? Are Savannahs affected by proximity to an urban or
forest edge? Is the P.s. rostratus population vanishing from California
– a study of color-banded birds, possibly also including research at their
breeding site at the mouth of the Colorado River, may best address this
There are many unanswered questions regarding the effects of altered
grasslands in California: What effects do nonnative plants used for grazing
or agriculture (also unintentional plant invasions) have (e.g. vertical
structure and degree of ground cover)? Other studies show that Savannah
abundance is lower in crop fields, but is productivity affected? Does the
use of pesticides in crop fields alter the abundance, productivity, or
survivorship of Savannah Sparrows? Are overgrazing and nest trampling problems
to Savannahs?
STATUS: P.s. beldingi is an endangered population in California.
Elsewhere in the state Savannah Sparrows exist in moderate numbers and
within their historical range, with the possible exception of P.s. rostratus,
for which more information necessary. A significant decline in adundance
in the California Foothill region (-19.5, P=0.05) is of concern.
HABITAT NEEDS: Upland Savannah Sparrows use a variety of open habitats;
for breeding they favor areas of dense ground vegetation with little tree
cover. P.s. beldingi uses tall, dense vegetation with the mid-intertidal
zone of large marshes. Specific needs of other coastal populations are
CONCERNS: P.s. beldingi inhabits wetland areas that may be too
few in number and too small in area to support the number of birds required
to delist this subspecies. Upland Savannah Sparrows use manmade open areas
(e.g. agricultural and grazed fields), but productivity in some areas may
be so low that they serve as population sinks.
OBJECTIVES: Determine habitat needs for each of the six Savannah Sparrow
populations that inhabit California, and study local issues (urbanization,
agriculture, exotic plants, etc.) that may affect abundance, nesting success,
distributions, and survival. Determine what is required to improve numbers
of declining populations.
ACTION: Establish research and monitoring programs to address the research
needs listed above; some studies can incorporate other species to determine
the effects of certain land uses on whole communities. Habitat improvement
(buffers or corridors) or restoration may be necessary for P.s. beldingi.
American Ornithologists Union. 1957. Check-list of North American birds, Fifth Edition. Lord Baltimore Press, Inc., Baltimore, MD.
American Ornithologists Union. 1983. Check-list of North American birds, Sixth Edition. Allen Press, Inc., Lawrence, KS.
Bedard, J. and G. LaPointe. 1984. The Savannah Sparrow territorial system: can habitat features be related to breeding success? Can. J. Zool. 62:1819-1828.
Dale, B.C., P.A. Martin, and P.S. Taylor. 1997. Effects of hay management on grassland songbirds in Saskatchewan. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 25:616-626.
Davis, S.D., J.B. Williams, W.J. Adams, and S.L. Brown. 1984. The effect of egg temperature on attentiveness in the Belding’s Savannah Sparrow. Auk 101:556-566.
Dawson, W.L. 1923. The birds of California. South Moulton Company, San Diego, CA.
Dixon, C.L. 1978. Breeding Biology of the Savannah Sparrow on Kent Island. Auk 95:235-246.
Grinnell, J. and A.H. Miller. 1944. The distribution of the birds of California. Cooper Ornithological Club, Berkeley, CA.
Johnson, D.H. and L.D. Igl. 1995. Contributions of the Conservation Reserve Program to populations of breeding birds in North Dakota. Wilson Bull. 107:709-718.
Kershner, E.L. and E.K. Bollinger. 1996. Reproductivesuccess of grassland birds at east-central Illinois airports. Am. Midl. Nat. 136:358-366.
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Potter, P.E. 1972. Territorial behavior in Savannah Sparrows in southeastern Michigan. Wilson Bull. 84: 48-59.
Powell, A.N. 1993. Nesting habitat of Belding’s Savannah Sparrows in coastal salt marshes. Wetlands 13: 219-223.
Powell, A.N. and C.L. Collier. 1998. Reproductive success of Belding’s Savannah Sparrows in a highly fragmented landscape. Auk 115:508-513.
Rising, J.D. 1987. Geographic variation in testis size in Savannah Sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis). Wilson Bull. 99:63-72.
Rising, J.D. 1988. Geographic variation in sex ratios and body size in wintering flocks of Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis). Wilson Bull. 100:183-203.
Sauer, J.R., J.E. Hines, I. Thomas, J. Fallon, and G. Gough. 1999. The North American breeding bird survey, results and analysis 1966-1998. Version 98.1, USGS Patuxent
Unitt, P. 1984. The birds of San Diego County. San Diego Society of Natural History. San Diego, CA.
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Stobo, W.T. and I A McLaren. 1975. The Ipswich Sparrow. Nova Scotian Institute of Science, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Sutter, G.C. and R.M. Brigham. 1998. Avifaunal and habitat changes resulting from conversion of native prairie to crested wheat grass: patterns at songbird community and species levels. Can. J. Zool. 76:869-875.
Weatherhead, P.J. 1979. Ecological correlates of monogamy in tundra-breeding Savannah Sparrows. Auk 96:391-401.
Welsh, D.A. 1975. Savannah Sparrow breeding and territoriality on a Nova Scotia dune beach. Auk 92: 235-251.
Wheelwright, N.T., C.B. Schultz, and P.J. Hodum. 1992. Polygyny and male parental care in Savannah Sparrows: effects on female fitness. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 31: 279-289.
Wheelwright, N.T. and J.D. Rising. 1993. Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis). In The Birds of North America, No. 45 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, and the American Ornithologists’ Union, Washington, D.C.
Wiens, J.A. 1971. "Egg-dumping" by the Grasshopper Sparrow in a Savannah Sparrow nest. Auk 88: 185-186.
Williams, J.B. and K.A. Nagy. 1985. Water flux and energetics of nesting Savannah Sparrows in the field. Physiol. Zool. 58:515-525.
Zink, R.M., D.L. Dittman, and S.W. Cardiff. 1991. Mitochondrial DNA variation and the taxonomic status of the large-billed Savannah Sparrow. Condor 93:1016-1019.
Point Reyes Bird Observatory
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PRBO at prbo dot org