Prepared by Kristi Cripe, California Department of Fish & Game
Shortcut to Action Plan Summary
SUBSPECIES STATUS: Northern Harriers (C. c. hudsonius) are year-round
residents of California, found from below sea level (Death Valley), through
grasslands, alpine meadows and up to 10,000 feet elevation (Martin 1989,
Martin 1987, and MacWhirter & Bildstein 1996).
MANAGEMENT STATUS: California Species of Special Concern
I. Historical references:
1. Method used to determine breeding status:
Salt Slough WA
Los Banos WA -120.83
-120.82 37.19
37.13 Sacramento NWR
Delevan NWR
Colusa NWR -122.15
-122.01 39.41
39.13 Honey Lake WA - ECOLOGY:
I. Average territory size:
Female harriers defend territories, thereby excluding nonterritorial
males from preferred habitat. Female are about 50% heavier and 12.5 % larger
than males and win nearly all aggressive interactions. Male harriers tend
to have larger home ranges, and forage more in riparian and open habitats
(Temeles 1987, MacWhirter & Bildstein 1996). Wintering females occupied
mean territory size of 33.6 ha, ranging from 3.9 ha - 124.9 ha (Temeles
1987). Breeding home ranges averaged 1.13 km2 for females and
15.7 km2 for males (Martin 1987). V. Foraging strategy: Hunts on the wing, using low patrol, quartering
flights 1-9 m above open ground. Dive from flight or hover (Ehrlich et
al. 1988). Harriers have owl like facial ruffs and face structure that
aid in prey detection (MacWhirter & Bildstein 1996).
VI. Displays: Courting male performs a series of dives from near
stall, including barrel-rolls in multiple U shaped loops (Ehrlich et al.
(n = 150) 1988
1992 20
20 6.5
5.9 (n=45) 1988
1991 5
5 6.3
5.0 (n =24) 1988 11 4.2 (n = 45) 1988
1989 18
13 9.0
8.1 C. Delayed breeding (where are immature birds?): Sexual maturity
in 1-2 years (Martin 1987). Females are more likely to breed during first
year than males. First year males are more likely to breed during years
of high vole abundance (Table 3) (Hamerstrom et. al 1985). male 8% n = 210 male 5% n = 130 IX. Incubating sex: female
X. Incubating period: 30-32 days incubation
XI. Nestling period: 30 - 35 days to fledging. Peak hatching periods
are in May, with ranges from April through June.
XIII. Number of broods: One. Harriers will lay replacement clutches
when clutches are disturbed during laying or shortly thereafter (Simmons
XIV. Who tends the young:
Several studies found small mammals (microtus) to remain the dominate
prey during the breeding season. Many microtine species exhibit cyclic
populations. During mid and high ranges of microtus cycles harriers exhibited
greater nesting densities, clutch size, nest success, and presence of polygyny
(Hamerstrom et al. 1985, and Simmons et al. 1986).
Bernard et al. (1987) found that nesting or fledgling passerines became
the second most important prey group for nesting harriers. Passerines are
higher in crude fat, calcium, iron, and gross energy than voles or grasshoppers
(Bird et al. 1982). Harrier nestling stages coincide with passerine nestling
stages, providing abundant, easy prey (Bernard et al. 1987).
Martin, (1987) showed that diet shifts were highly correlated with vegetation
growth. Harriers hunting alfalfa fields preyed on microtus until the vegetation
reached 46 cm, after which time harriers stopped hunting alfalfa fields
and shifted diets to reptiles and passerines. Following cutting of alfalfa,
diets shifted back to microtus. I. Overview of breeding habitat
Loughman & McLandress (unpubl. data) located harrier nests in upland
fields managed for waterfowl nesting on state and federal refuges. Harrier
nest sites were described as areas surrounded with erect, annual or perennial
grasses, without nest canopy cover.
In Yolo County, California, harrier nests were located in three different
upland types, an uncultivated field of grasses and weeds, a cultivated
rice field, and a cultivated field of clover (Temeles 1987).
Simmons & Smith (1985) reported that harriers nesting in wet sites
(wetland fringe or wet meadows) were more successful then dry sites and
wet sites were preferred in relation to their availability. Vegetational
differences appeared to be less significant determinants of success then
moisture. Nests located in forbs were more successful than those in shrubs.
Hamerstrom & Kopeny (1981) found harriers to be highly adaptive
nesters continuing to nest in marsh areas that were drained and either
converted to farmland or grasslands. Vegetation consisted of dense tall
grasses and forbs. No nesting success estimates were reported. B. height of nest: on ground, unless built up with vegetation
in wet sites
C. height of plant: na
D. nest concealment: open canopy A. Canopy cover:
C. Average shrub cover: na
D. Dominant shrub species: na
E. Average forb cover: partial to complete coverage around circumference
of nest (Loughman & McLandress unpubl. data, and LBWA unpubl. data)
F. Dominant forb/grass species:
H. Distance to water: no measurements found, however, breed in mesic
I. Vegetation height around nest:
B. Fragmentation: no data, research needed
C. Patch size: no data, research needed
D. Disturbance (natural or managed):
II. Dietary: Almost every aspect of harrier ecology is related
to prey abundance. (See diet section)
III. Sensitivity to human induced disturbance:
The effects of repeated exposure to agrochemical in wintering areas
outside the United States needs to be investigated (Martin 1987). VII. Other:
Breeding Bird Survey Trend information: (Sauer et al. 1997) Christmas Bird Count Trend Data: (Sauer et al. 1996) Grassland Breeding Populations Estimates: (Sauer et al. 1995). Analysis of Christmas Bird Counts estimated approximately 13,200 wintering
harriers in California (Johnsgard 1990).
I. Age and sex ratios:
MacWhirter & Bildstein, (1996) combined data from 6 different studies
(n = 696) and reported 30% nest success and 44% brood success.
Rate Valley Valley 95% C.I.
n 0.25 - 0.44
135 0.23 - 0.60
40 0.09 - 0.55
20 0.13 - 0.49
36 95% C.I.
n 0.53 - 0.73
69 0.60 - 0.93
23 0.58 - 1.0
8 0.38 - 0.99
16 n 0.15 - 0.28
135 0.17 - 0.46
40 0.07 - .44
20 0.07 - 0.37
36 b Incubation period survival rate includes laying period. Martin (1987) reported 60% mortality in first year hens and 27.6% in
adult birds.
Longest life span reported was 16 years 5 months (Bildstein 1988). MANAGEMENT ISSUES
2) Maintaining high prey base in available habitats. Density of prey
base highly correlated with density and success of harriers.
3) Providing adequate nesting habitat. Harriers require approximately
75 days to fledge young. Proper nesting habitat must be available to avoid
nest depredation and destruction.
Management and protection of habitat for harriers could also benefit
a wide variety of species including other ground nesting birds (waterfowl,
bitterns, short eared owls, and grassland passerines).
Maintaining grassland and wetland habitats for harriers provides homes
for other inhabitants as well.
High prey base will also benefit other raptors. High prey base of microtus
could alleviate some nest depredation, by providing enough food for other
2) Harriers are highly adaptive to disturbed habitats as long as prey
is available. However, recruitment rates and survival estimates should
be compared between natural and disturbed areas?
3) Habitat loss has left patches and fragments of available habitat
scattered throughout the state. Do patch sizes that limit use/ and nesting
4) California nesting data were reported for upland areas only due to
sampling efforts. Studies in other states have shown nesting success to
be higher in wet areas, or wetland fringe. Additional nesting studies are
needed to show habitat use and success between habitats? 6) Monitoring effects of environmental contaminants, effects on prey
base, as well as overall harrier survival.
California Department of Fish & Game (Loughman &
McLandress, and LBWA).
Suisun Marsh
Grizzly Island WA
San Joaquin Valley
Mendota WA
Sacramento Valley
Gray Lodge WA
Northeastern CA
Ash Creek WA
Territory size varies according to habitat type and prey availability
(Martin 1987, and Temeles 1987). In Yolo County, California, Temeles (1987)
documented that harriers adjusted territory size to maintain a constant
prey base.
II. Time of occurrences and seasonal movements:
A. Arrival date on breeding grounds: In U.S., records
indicate harriers begin departing from wintering grounds in late February
to early March (MacWhirter & Bildstein 1996).
B. Departure date from breeding grounds: Harriers begin departing from
breeding grounds in August but may wait as late as December.
C. Spring migration period: February through May
D. Fall migration period: August through December.
E. Extent of winter in California:
Winters throughout California, can occur from seal
level up to 10,000 ft., rarely found in wooded areas (Map 1).A. Stop over period: Most harriers migrate alone. Harriers
hunt on migration. Juveniles may stop and set up temporary home ranges
for a few weeks at a time (MacWhirter & Bildstein 1996).
IV. Nest type: Ground nester, bowl or platform if nesting in wet
B. Habitat use: Harriers occupy similar habitats throughout
the year. (See Breeding and Wintering Habitat Use)
C. Routes: no data
VII. Social Organization:
A. Typical breeding densities:
Breeding densities are determined by prey base and habitat quality.
Loughman & McLandress (unpubl. data) reported breeding densities in
four physiographic regions of California (Table 2).
Table 2. Harrier Nesting Densities from 4 physiographic
regions of California taken from: California Waterfowl Association: Reproductive
Success and Nesting Habitats of Northern Harriers in California (Loughman
& McLandress unpulb. data).
Suisun Marsh
San Joaquin Valley
Sacramento Valley
Northeastern CA
B. Mating system: Predominantly monogamous, polygyny
also occurs. Number of polygynous males is positively associated with prey
abundance. (Simmons et al. 1986, and Ehrlich et al. 1988).
Table 3. Frequency of first year breeding in Northern Harrier.
New Brunswick
E. Post breeding social behavior (mixed species flocks, or simply migrate
away?): More information is needed. Juveniles depart from natal grounds
separately and migrate individually (MacWhirter & Bildstein 1996).
VIII. Clutch size: 5 (4-9), 2 - 3 days between each egg laid
Growth rates of fledglings are determined by sex and hatching
order. Females grow faster but remain in nest longer then males (Bildstein
1992, and Scharf 1992). After fledging, juveniles roost near nest sites
and continue to be fed by parents until family unit disperses (MacWhirter
& Bildstein 1996).
XII. Development at hatching: semialtricial, immobile, downy, eyes open
A. Major food items (by season):
Harrier ecology is strongly correlated with prey availability.
Harriers predominantly feed on small mammal, mainly, microtus species.
However, harries are also generalists, diets have been reported to include
reptiles, amphibians, birds and invertebrates.
B. Drinking: Drinks in captivity (MacWhirter & Bildstein
1996). No other data on water requirements found.
XVI. Wintering ground needs and distribution:
A. substrate: ground, grasses, forbs, small sticks
III. Vegetation surrounding the nest:
B. Dominant plant species in canopy: na
G. Ground cover: annual and perennial grasses, and forbs.
IV. Landscape factors
A. Elevation: Found from below sea level (Death Valley)
up to 10,00 ft.
V. Other Roosting: roost on ground in winter often communally. Will
perch on trees and stumps.
I. Brood Parasitism: Incidences of brood parasitism have been
noted, but are not considered a threat.
-6.5 0.2
-1.6 5.7
Period Survival
Suisun Marsh
Brood Rearing
Overall Success 95%
Extensive local population declines throughout state. Breeding range
reduced in southern California. Listed as a species of special concern
in California.
Predominantly grassland and wetland communities, however, use of variable
of habitats. Harriers are ground nesters that require 75 days to fledge
young. Nesting sites free from predation with high prey base are very important
habitat components.
Continued loss of habitat through conversion to agriculture, development.
Providing adequate nesting areas, secure from predation, with high prey bases.
Determine current breeding range.
Procure, restore historical habitat, protect existing habitat.
Manage for high prey abundance and adequate nesting areas
Consider prey population fluctuations, weather influence, species behavior or land use practices when estimating abundance (Martin 1989).
Grazing in and around marsh boarders should be eliminated in late winter and spring to protect the nest sites of ground nesters (Ramsen 1978).
Manage wetlands to maintain marshes during spring and summer months
(Ramsen 1978).
Balfour, E. 1957. Observation on the breeding biology of the hen harrier in Orkeny. Bird Notes 27:177-183, 216-224.
Bernard, P., B. MacWhirter, R. Simmons, G.L. Hansen and P.C. Smith. 1987. Timing of breeding and the seasonal importance of passerine prey to northern harriers (Circus cyaneus). Can. J. Zool 65 :1942-1946.
Bird, D. M., S.K. Ho and D. Pare. 1982. Nutritive values of three common prey items of the American kestrel. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A, 73:513-515.
Bildstein, K. L. 1988. Northern harrier Circus cyaneus. Pp. 251 - 303 in R.S. Palmer, ed. vol 14. Handbook of North American Birds. Yale Univ. Press, New Haven, CT.
Bildstein, K. L. 1992. Causes and consequences of reversed sexual size dimorphism in raptors: the head start hypothesis. J. Raptor Res. 26(3):115-123.
Breckenridge, W. J. 1935. An ecological study of some Minnesota marsh
hawks. Condor 37:268-276.
Craighead, J.J. and F.C. Craighead, Jr. 1956. Hawks, owls and wildlife.
Stackpole, New York.
Ehrlich, P.R, D.S. Dobkin and D. Wheye. 1988. The birders handbook: A field guide to the natural history of North American birds. Simons and Schuster Inc. New York 226pp.
Grinnell, J., and A. H. Miller. 1944. The distribution of the birds of California. Pac. Coast Avifauna. No. 27. 106-7pp.
Hamerstrom, F. and M. Kopeny. 1981. Harrier nest-site vegetation. J. Raptor Res. 15(3):86-88.
Hamerstrom, F., F.N. Hamerstrom, and C.J. Burke. 1985. Effects of voles on mating systems in a central Wisconsin populations of harriers. Wilson Bull. 97(3):332-346.
Hoffman, Ralph. 1927. Birds of the Pacific States. The Riverside Press, Cambridge, Mass. 74-5pp.
Johnsgard, P. A. 1990. Hawks, eagles and falcons of North America: biology and natural history. Smithson. Inst. Press, Washington, D.C.
Los Banos Wildlife Area. Unpubl. data. Taken from field notes 1995 - 1998 waterfowl nest success surveys. Department of Fish & Game Los Banos Wildlife Area.
Loughman, D and M.R. McLanderss Unpubl. data. Draft: Reproductive Success and Nesting Habitats of Northern Harriers in California. California Waterfowl Association. Draft written in 1994.
MacWhirter, R.B. and K.L. Bildstein. 1996. Northern harrier pages 1 -29 in The Birds of North America, No. 210 1996. pp1-29.
Martin, J.W. 1987. Behavior and habitat use of breeding northern harriers in southwestern Idaho. J. Raptor Res. 21(2):57-66.
Martin, J.W. 1989. Harriers and Kites. Pages 83-91 in Proc. of the western raptor management symposium and workshop. Natl. Wildl. Fed., Washington, D.C.
Ramsen, J. V. Jr. 1978. Bird Species of Special Concern in California. Wildlife Management Branch Administrative Report N0. 78-1.
Scharf, W.C. 1992. The influences of gender and hatching order on growth in hen harriers (Circus cyaneus cyaneus). J. Raptor Res. 26(3):192-194.
Simmons, R. E. 1984. Do northern harriers lay replacement clutches? J. Raptor Res. 18(3):103-106.
Simmons, R and P.C. Smith. 1985. Do northern harriers (Circus cyaneus) choose nest sites adaptively? Can. J. Zool. (63):494-498.
Simmons, R., P. Bernard, B. MacWhirter, and G.L. Hansen. 1986. The influence of microtines on polygyny, productivity, age, and provisioning of breeding Northern Harriers: a 5 year study. Can. J. Zool. 64:2447-2456.
Temeles, E.J. 1987. The relative importance of prey availability and intruder pressure in feeding territory size regulation by harriers, Circus cyaneus. Oecologia. 74:286-297.
Sauer, J. R., J. E. Hines, G. Gough, I. Thomas, and B. G. Peterjohn 1997. North American breeding bird survey results and analysis. Version 96.3. Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD.
Sauer, J. R., B. G. Peterjohn, S. Schwartz, and J. E. Hines. 1995. Grassland bird home page. Version 95.0. Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD.
Sauer, J. R., S. Schwartz, and B. Hoover. 1996. Christmas Bird Count
home page.Version 95.1. Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD.