Olive-sided Flycatcher

Summary of Coniferous Forest Bird Conservation Plan - derived from species account author and 6/23/00 meeting.
by: Paul Brandy

A. Status

1.BBS – Decreasing significantly nationally 2.5 - 3%, more significant in West (highly significant).Western decrease = 4.1%. Recent declines (last 10 years) in Sierra Nevada signficant from BBS. 


B. Habitat Needs

1.Positive association with old growth (structurally diverse canopy layers).
2.Post fire habitat, epsecially high intensity (but also low intensity). 
3.Positive association with clear cuts and thinning (abundance). 
4.Present in 0-20 year age stands. Between 20 to multi-layer stage not present, then they return. 
5.Natural openings, blow downs, land slides. 
6.Territory/home range requirements: Positive association with increased snag density and snag DBH. 
7.Positive association with residual timber. Move into area after clear cut. 

8.Juxtaposition of seral stages. 

9.Decreasedproductivity (almost significant) with managed timber areas compared to fire (probably due to predation – corvids?). 


C. Concerns

1. Low productivity (lowest of any passerine in N. America?)

2. Disparity between productivity in managed timber lands vs. fire – managed timber might be sink.

3.Habitat loss in general. Shift to younger seral stage (old growth being replaced by clear cuts).
4.Loss of habitat on wintering ground, especially for California populations. 
5.Loss of natural disturbance. 
6.Possible pesticide effects (spraying after clearcut to control weeds). 
7.Too much post fire salvage-logging reduces habitat utility. 

D. Objectives

1.Reverse declines.
2.Increase reproductive success in managed forest.

E. Action Items
1.Determine optimal habitat requirements for productivity (old growth vs. logged vs. burned vs. natural disturbance). Determine why not productive in managed forests.
2.Determine over-winter survivorship.
3.Determine winter range.

4.Determine impact of post-clearcut pesticide use, pesticides in general

5.Allow fires

6.Reduce post-fire salvage logging.

7.Protected or acquired old growth should include old growth types suitable for OSFL (natural openings, semi-open, multi-storied canopy, S. facing slopes, exposed rocks) – not just closed canopy (which might be fine for BRCR and PIWO).

8.Determine factors limiting or affecting prey sources.