California Partners In Flight Species Range Maps and Habitat Maps: Current Wildlife Habitat Relation Map (WHR) provided courtesy of California Department of Fish and Game WHR and California Interagency Task Group. To advise of suggested changes to current range contact: Monica Parisi (DFG). Address comments regarding historic range, current monitoring sites, or to contribute data, contact: Grant Ballard (PRBO).
California Biodiversity Council, 2000. Davis, F. W., D. M. Stoms, A. D. Hollander, K. A. Thomas, P. A. Stine, D. Odion, M. I. Borchert, J. H. Thorne, M. V. Gray, R. E. Walker, K. Warner, and J. Graae. 1998. The California Gap Analysis Project--Final Report. University of California, Santa Barbara, CA. []
Grinnell, J., and A.H. Miller.1944.The distribution of the birds of California. Pacific Coast Avifauna 27. Cooper Ornithological Club.Berkeley, CA.
Zeiner, D.C., W.F. Laudenslayer, Jr., K.E. Mayer, and M. White, eds. 1988-1990. California�s Wildlife, Volumes I-III.