California Partners in Flight
Mission Statement
The CalPIF mission is to promote the conservation of resident and migratory landbirds and their habitats in California through research, monitoring, education, and collaboration among public and private landowners and managers, government agencies, non-government organizations, and individuals and other bird conservation efforts. The California chapter of Partners in Flight (CalPIF) was established in 1992. The CalPIF structure consists of a Chair, Co-chair, Coordinator, Executive Steering Committee, and Working Committees.

Recognizing that the major cause of population declines in California was the loss and degradation of habitat, the first action of CalPIF was to identify habitats important to birds. Following the guidelines of the International Partners in Flight "Flight Plan," habitat-based Bird Conservation Plans (BCPs) have been prepared to facilitate that goal by stimulating a proactive approach to landbird conservation.


The accomplishments of California Partners in Flight within the last 12 years are impressive. BCPs for every major habitat type in California have been completed and contain over 250 recommendations based on the biology of multiple species and the latest scientific literature. Agencies and Joint Ventures are incorporating CalPIF recommendations and objectives into their land management and implementation plans. The funding criteria of a growing list of federal and private conservation funders now reward applicants for implementation of BCP conservation practices and measures. Conservationists are using landbirds as effective indicators to evaluate the success of restoration, enhancement, and acquisition of critical habitats throughout the state. Additionally, members of the Executive Steering Committee contribute to the CalPIF mission through conservation projects with their respective agencies and organizations.

CalPIF has been very effective in pulling together every major land management agency, land owners, and many scientists throughout California-and not just in supportive roles. These players have contributed directly to the activities necessary for effective conservation across the state. The Partners in Flight vision is that every citizen, land manager, biologist, and consultant in the state can become involved in the restoration and enhancement of California habitats important to songbirds and other wildlife.

Recently Updated or Newly Added:

  • Announcing the Black-backed Woodpecker Conservation Strategy for California (version 1.0)

  • Read the Guide to Riparian Habitat Enhancemnt for the Sacramento Valley

  • Read the Guide to Habitat Enhancement for the North Bay Region

  • Read the newly released Desert Bird Conservation Plan.

  • Help monitor California's Yellow-billed Magpies!

  • Read about the contributions of our partners

  • View a list of upcoming agency management plan revisions.